Bram Grooten

PhD candidate in Deep Learning at the TU Eindhoven
Intern at Sony AI in 2024


I started the PhD in November 2021. My research is focused on Reinforcement Learning and Sparse Training of neural networks. I’m in the Data and Artificial Intelligence cluster with supervisors Decebal Mocanu and Mykola Pechenizkiy.

During 2024 I will intern at Sony AI in Zurich, researching applications of deep reinforcement learning for games.

In 2023 I visited the University of Alberta for 5 months as part of my PhD, joining the Intelligent Robot Learning lab of Matthew Taylor.

Presenting my PhD research at the University of Alberta, August 2023.

In 2021 I finished two masters at the TU/e called:

  • Industrial and Applied Mathematics (IAM)
  • Science Education and Communication (SEC)

You can find both master theses on my TU/e page. The thesis for IAM was titled: Deep Reinforcement Learning for the cooperative card game Hanabi.

Master’s thesis presentation, Sept 2021.

For my bachelor of Applied Mathematics I studied abroad in the US, at Wentworth Institute of Technology. My bachelor’s thesis used graph theory and optimization for an assignment problem.


See my CV here. Last updated: July 2024.